Program Structure

The Institute offers courses with update syllabi in response to the needs of the market and contemporary society. The curriculum and the pedagogy include lecture method, group discussion, presentation, case studies, management games, seminars, industrial visits, and project work. In order to supplement the theoretical concepts, the Institute organizes programmes like Industry Institute Interface, Workshops, and Seminars. It also conducts Management festival ‘Anikethana’ to facilitate event management skills among students.

The students admitted to the MBA Course shall study subjects under the CBCS scheme. The 1st and 2nd semester focus on subjects related to General Management (Hard-core) whereas the 3rd and 4th semesters throw insights on the optional subjects (Soft-core), and  the Elective Subjects (offered by other Departments). The system of examination constitutes of semester scheme involving four semesters. Each subject carries 100 marks, of which 25% is allocated for continuous evaluation system and the rest for semester end examination (subject to double valuation)